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70% of Successful B2Cs Use this Effective Tactic to Build a Strong Brand (And Why You Should Be Too)

New clients inevitably ask which channels, mediums, and formats I recommend. Not too many years ago, they expected me to suggest infographics. Now, probably short-form video. But, neither then nor now do I recommend either. Instead, I fall back on a method with a long and reliable track record.

It’s a medium that breaks through the noise, offers an easy-to-follow format for consumers, and performs strongly for search engine optimization. Plus, it’s naturally shareable and provides necessary content. (What’s more, it’s simple to update when needed.)

So, read on to learn what you need to know and how to make this tool work for you to the fullest of its potential. Additionally, you’ll find the statistics to back it all up and show you the proof of its effectivenes

Technology and communication move fast. Very fast. New things are constantly introduced and brands attempt to leverage each advancement to stay relevant and reach the widest audience possible. FOMO often dictates these decisions, as well as the benefits promised by providers.

But, taking a shotgun approach typically goes terribly awry because there is no real focus. And that means expending a lot of time and resources on something that won’t provide a solid return on investment. In fact, experimenting with the newest marketing fad may be a waste of time for businesses for several reasons:

  • Lack of relevance. Fads can be short-lived and may not align with a business's long-term goals or target audience. Investing resources in something that is only popular for a short period can lead to wasted time and effort.

  • Inauthentic marketing. Jumping on the bandwagon of a fad without considering whether it fits with the brand's identity and values can lead to inauthentic marketing. This can potentially damage the brand's reputation and customer trust.

  • Limited success. Not every marketing fad is successful or effective for every business. What works for one company may not work for another, especially if the fad does not resonate with the target audience.

  • Resource allocation. Experimenting with new marketing fads can consume resources that could be better spent on more strategic initiatives. Businesses should carefully evaluate the potential return on investment before committing resources to a new marketing fad.

  • Distraction from proven strategies. Focusing on new fads can distract a business from proven marketing strategies that have shown consistent results. Businesses need to maintain a balance between experimenting with new ideas and maintaining effective, long-term marketing strategies.

Also, unpredictable outcomes. The results of experimenting with a new marketing fad are often unpredictable. There is a risk that the investment may not yield the desired results, leading to wasted time and resources. Now, go back and look and re-read the last bullet point, “distraction from proven strategies.”

70% of Successful B2Cs Use this Effective Tactic to Build a Strong Brand

Although digital marketing continues to evolve, there are some time-tested tools business-to-consumer entities rely on because they have a proven track record. One such tactic continues to deliver results for businesses across industries: blogging. As we navigate through 2024, it's clear that blogging remains one of the most widely used and effective content marketing tools for several compelling reasons. 

But, in an age seemingly dominated by video, why would this be the case? What does blogging deliver that makes it an indispensable marketing tool for so many big-name brands?

The reasons blogging continues to be a cornerstone of content marketing strategies has much to do with its ability to build brand authority and its role in driving organic traffic and improving search engine rankings. 

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a business owner looking to expand your digital footprint, understanding the enduring power of blogging can help you harness its potential and achieve your marketing goals. Currently, the two most popular B2C content marketing formats are:

There is a connection between these two - blogging. Businesses need content to share on social media and for SEO. Without original content, you can’t do either. Industry insiders know how important blogging is because their actions demonstrate it.

According to the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), 70% of B2C marketers use blogging as part of their overall marketing strategy. Additionally, 97% of marketers surveyed by Semrush achieved success with their content marketing in 2023. What’s more, the top three types of content assets created by B2C marketers in the last year include short articles (83%), videos (61%), and infographics.

A full 70% of B2C marketers say content marketing has become more important in the last year. According to the most recent figures, 59% of B2C marketers consider high-quality content to be the most effective SEO strategy. Last but not least, a solid 55% of B2C marketers outsource content marketing because they can’t create it on their own, but can’t do their jobs without it.

Why Blogging Continues to Be a Highly Effective Marketing Tool in 2024

We’ve come a long way from the original “weblog” that first appeared about thirty years ago in 1994. Since its introduction, the format has become a staple of content marketing, precisely because of its demonstrable effectiveness in promoting products and services, as well as its incredible SEO prowess. (This is true because on-page SEO is centered around well-written, optimized content.) In 2024, blogging continues to be a highly effective marketing tool for several key reasons:

  • Content marketing success. A full 58% of B2B marketers reported increased sales and revenue in 2023 thanks to content marketing, which includes blogging. This indicates that well-crafted blog content can significantly drive business growth by attracting leads and customers (source:

  • Long-form content popularity. Long-form content, typically found in blog posts, is highly popular and profitable. Aim for 1,500+ words in articles to maximize engagement and SEO benefits (source:

  • Search engine optimization. SEO remains a critical aspect of marketing, with 45% of marketers planning to invest more resources into their website's performance in 2024. This includes optimizing blog content for search engines to increase visibility and organic traffic (source:

  • Audience engagement. Blogs offer a platform for building relationships with your audience through personalized and informative content. This can lead to increased brand loyalty and customer engagement (source:

  • Social media integration. Blogs can be easily integrated with social media strategies, with 36% of marketers using AI chatbots for various tasks, including social media management. This integration allows for wider content distribution and audience engagement (source:

Plus, in the wake of Google’s HCU or Helpful Content Update, blogging boosts expertise and authority building. Blogging allows businesses to showcase their expertise and build credibility in their field. In 2024, the emphasis on E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authority, Trustworthiness) in Google's algorithm highlights the importance of high-quality, informative blog content (source:

As you can see, blogging is a very powerful marketing tool. Unlike infographics and videos (which are both “holes in the internet” because search engines can’t read their content), blog posts are crawlable and quantifiable by Google and Bing. What’s more, they provide information that’s skimmable and easy to reference and revisit key points - two very helpful characteristics that consumers highly value.

P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, we can help you with the content you need. Just click the "Order Custom Content Now" button below!