What Do SEO Professionals Actually Do During Their Daily Routines And Can Laypeople Duplicate Their Results?

There’s no denying that In our deeply dependent digital age, search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential component of any successful online presence. While it may seem like a complex and mysterious process, the truth is that SEO professionals employ a variety of simple techniques to improve a website's visibility and ranking on the SERP or search engine results page.

So, go ahead and read on and we’ll explain the daily tasks of SEO professionals and explore whether laypeople can achieve similar results without professional expertise. We'll also take the time to discuss the key strategies and tools used by SEO experts and provide insights into the challenges and rewards of this field.

The Daily Grind of an SEO Pro: What They Do and How You Can Try It Too

SEO is often seen as a complex and mysterious field, shrouded in technical jargon and ever-changing algorithms. To the untrained eye, the work of SEO professionals can appear like a blend of digital wizardry and trial-and-error guesswork. But what exactly do these experts do during their daily routines, and more importantly, can laypeople achieve similar results without years of specialized training? 

Well, it’s time to pull back the curtain on the world of SEO and break down the tasks that fill an SEO professional’s day—from keyword research and content optimization to technical audits and backlink strategies. We’ll also explore whether these activities can be effectively replicated by non-experts looking to boost their website’s visibility and rankings. 

Whether you’re a business owner curious about what goes on behind the scenes or an aspiring DIY marketer, this short but useful guide will demystify the daily grind of SEO and reveal just how attainable these skills can be (from the perspective of an insider who has been in the industry for well over a decade).

Understanding the SEO Landscape

Ever wondered what it takes to climb to the top of search engine results? SEO, or search engine optimization, is the proverbial skeleton key to unlocking online success. It’s the art and science of making websites more visible to search engines like Google. But what does that look like on a daily basis? Let’s open the vault and cast some light on the daily routines of SEO professionals and see if you can mimic their results. (Or, how you can do what I’ve done before.)

Morning Rituals: Starting with Data

SEO professionals often kick off their day by checking analytics. Think of this as the daily weather report for their websites. These individuals look at visitor statistics, bounce rates, and click-through rates. This data gives them insight into what’s working and what isn’t. They might be asking themselves questions like, "Which pages got the most views?" or "Did our latest blog post resonate with our audience?"

They’re not just browsing these numbers for fun. By digging into this data, they identify trends and patterns. This impacts their next steps. Laypeople can replicate this by regularly monitoring their website’s performance through tools like Google Analytics. It’s like checking your bank account—if you don’t look, you won’t know how much you have!

Strategy Sessions: Planning for Success

After checking the numbers, it's time for strategy. SEO isn’t just about fixing issues; it’s about planning ahead. Professionals brainstorm ideas for new content (I know how crucial this is because it takes a great deal of time and effort). SEOs will also analyze competitors to see what strategies are attracting visitors. Questions like, "What keywords are driving their traffic?" bubble up in these sessions.

Laypeople can do this too. A simple Google search can reveal terms your audience is interested in. Think of it as a treasure map leading you to the gold. By understanding what people want to read about, you can create content that actually connects with them.

Content Creation: Crafting Valuable Material

With a plan in place, it’s time to get writing! SEO pros focus on creating high-quality content that serves their audience. (Don’t shrug past this. As an insider, I can tell you crafting unique, informative content that connects is the bedrock of search optimization.) In other words, this isn’t just about throwing up words on a screen. It’s about answering questions, solving problems, and providing value. SEO writers will incorporate keywords naturally to make it more effective, ensuring the content flows without sounding robotic.

As a layperson, you can adopt this same mindset. When writing your blog or website content, think about what your readers are seeking. Use an informal tone and speak directly to them, just like chatting over coffee. This personal touch can turn ordinary writing into something extraordinary.

For the best results, use storytelling to engage readers and tap into emotions. This will help make the content far more interesting while informing them. Be sure to provide the answers to the questions being asked and don’t be ambiguous. Give them unfettered and important information and you’ll build a rapport and trust with your audience, who will become brand ambassadors and loyal customers.

Optimization: The Technical Touch-Up

Creating great content is just one part of SEO. The technical side is equally important. SEO professionals ensure that their websites are user-friendly and optimized for search engines. They check page loading speeds, and mobile-friendliness (yes, this is sadly still a problem), and make sure links work. This is like giving a car a thorough inspection before hitting the road.

You don’t need to be an expert programmer to apply this. Tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights can help you identify how to improve your website’s performance. Think of it as giving your website a fresh coat of paint—looks good and works better!

Link Building: Building Connections

Another key role of SEO professionals is link building. This involves getting other websites to link back to theirs. It’s like a vote of confidence from one website to another. The more high-quality links you have, the more reputable you appear to search engines.

For laypeople, this might seem daunting, but it’s doable. Reach out to other bloggers or websites in your niche and offer to collaborate. Guest blogging is a great way to secure those valuable links while expanding your audience. It’s a bit like networking at a party—who knows where a simple conversation can lead?

Monitoring Progress: The Cycle of Improvement

SEO isn’t a one-and-done deal. After implementing strategies, professionals continuously monitor their results. They tweak their approach based on what the data shows. It’s an ongoing cycle of learning, improving, and adapting.

Even as a layperson, this mindset is essential. Regularly check how your content is performing. Are you gaining followers? Are people sharing your posts? Modify your approach based on this feedback. This will keep your website fresh and engaging.

Wrapping It Up: You’ve Got This!

So, what do SEO professionals actually do? They analyze data, strategize, and create engaging, high-quality, helpful content. SEOs also optimize, build connections, and continuously improve. While this might sound like a lot, breaking it into steps makes it manageable.

With the right tools and a bit of perseverance, practically anyone can mimic these results. However, you need to keep your audience at the heart of your efforts, stay curious, and you’ll pave your own distinct path to online success. Ready to dive in? Your journey into the world of SEO starts now!​

P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, we can help you with the content you need. Just click the "Order Custom Content Now" button below!

Owen E. Richason IV

Owen has written for several publications and websites in the US, Canada, and Australia including the Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Gate, AOL, BAM Magazine, and regional outlets. He is also a fiction author and a musician.


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