Why Text Still Ruls SEO: The Power of Words Over Video

Visual content may appear to be the top marketing medium, so it seems counterintuitive that text remains a crucial factor in SEO. However, the written word continues to hold significant power in influencing search engine rankings and driving organic traffic. So, read on to learn the biggest reasons why text still reigns supreme in SEO and explore the essential strategies for crafting compelling written content.

Why Does Text Beat Video for SEO? The Reasons are Simple

Text is generally better for SEO than video because search engines like Google can easily crawl, index, and understand written content. Text allows for the inclusion of keywords, headings, and metadata that help search engines determine relevance. While videos are valuable for user engagement, they rely heavily on accompanying descriptions, transcripts, or captions for SEO. Text also loads faster and provides more opportunities for internal linking, improving overall site visibility in search results.

Unleash the Power of Text: Your Secret Weapon for SEO Success

In a world buzzing with video content, it's easy to think that text has taken a backseat. But guess what? When it comes to website SEO, text still takes the crown. Here are some reasons why the written word continues to shine, even amidst a sea of engaging visuals.

  • Text is easy to scan and read. Ever tried to find information in a video? It’s like hunting for a needle in a haystack. Viewers often bounce around, trying to pinpoint key facts. In contrast, text allows readers to scan headings and bullet points quickly. A well-structured article lets visitors find what they need in seconds.

  • Search engines love text. Search engines thrive on content. Google and other search engines can't "watch" videos like we do. They rely on text to crawl and index websites. This means that if your website is packed with quality written content, it’s more likely to show up in search results. It’s like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for search engines to follow straight to your site.

  • Keywords shine in text. Using keywords effectively is crucial in the digital landscape. Text gives you the ability to sprinkle keywords throughout your content naturally, improving your chances of ranking higher. Video doesn't offer the same flexibility. Although you can add captions or transcripts, they often don’t capture the rich context that well-crafted text does.

  • Longer engagement times. Visitors are more likely to spend time on a well-written article than skimming through a video. Why? Because articles can dive deep into topics, providing value and insight. This extended engagement tells search engines that your content is relevant and worth a look. Higher dwell times on text can boost your SEO, while videos might not hold attention as effectively.

  • Text supports link building. When you write high-quality, informative content, you create a valuable resource that others want to link to. These backlinks are like gold in the SEO world. They signal to search engines that your content is credible and worth sharing. While videos can also be linked, they often don’t invite the same level of discussion and citation as a compelling article.

  • Versatility and shareability. Text can easily be shared, quoted, or excerpted across different platforms. Social media loves a good quote or a thought-provoking snippet from an article. This versatility helps spread your content further and keeps it visible. Videos, while shareable, often rely on viewers' willingness to watch the entire piece.

What’s more, text is accessible. Not everyone can access videos. Some may not have the bandwidth, while others might prefer reading to watching. Text provides accessibility options that videos simply can't match. Moreover, written content is friendly to various tools like screen readers, making it easier for everyone to engage with your content.

How It All Shakes Out

In the battle of text versus video for SEO supremacy, text still stands tall. Its ability to engage, inform, and connect with audiences remains unmatched. While videos hold their own, they often can't compete with the depth and breadth that well-crafted articles provide. So, if you want your website to rank and thrive, remember: the pen—or in this case, the keyboard—is mightier than the camera.

P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, we can help you with the content you need. Just click the "Order Custom Content Now" button below!

Owen E. Richason IV

Owen has written for several publications and websites in the US, Canada, and Australia including the Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Gate, AOL, BAM Magazine, and regional outlets. He is also a fiction author and a musician.


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