This can be very frustrating and perplexing. Regardless, there are several reasons why Google may not always index content properly. These include technical issues, content quality, and website architecture:

  • Technical issues. Google may not be able to properly index a website due to technical issues such as slow page load times, broken links, or server errors. Additionally, Google may have difficulty indexing content that is hidden behind a login or paywall, or content that is too similar to other pages on the web.

  • Content quality. Google aims to provide users with the most relevant and high-quality search results. If a website's content is deemed low quality or not useful to users, Google may not index it. This can be due to factors such as thin content, duplicate content, or content that is stuffed with keywords.

  • Website architecture. Google may have trouble indexing a website if it has a complex or poorly structured architecture. This can make it difficult for Google to crawl and index all of the pages on a website.

In order to ensure that Google properly indexes a website's content, it is important to address any technical issues, create high-quality and original content, and have a clear and well-structured website architecture.